The Show Me, Tell Me Section of Your Driving Test 

During you practical driving test you will be required to answer a show me and tell me question about the car you are driving. The examiner has 14 tell me questions and 7 show me questions to choose from to test your knowledge of basic maintenance and safety. 
The questions are chosen at random, so it is important that you know them all, not just for the purpose of the test, but for every day driving. 
As part of your driving lessons I will ensure that you have the information and the time to practice for this section of the test. It is worth noting that all cars are different, so it is always worth checking your car manual and getting yourself accustomed to a vehicle before driving it. 
Watch the official DVSA guide to the show me, tell me questions. 
If you have any questions or want to book driving lessons with me then you can call/text 07813 047806 or use my contact form here. 
Driving Test 
Learn To Drive 